Thursday, February 18, 2010

OMG, THAT is so gross!

Before I had children I thought I had a fairly good understanding of what the word gross meant. Stepping in dog poo while wearing flip flops, seeing someone in the next car pick their nose, or even seeing Dennis Franz's naked behind on tv would all elicit an "ewwwww, that is so gross!"

Since having children, however, I have had to re-evaluate the true meaning of gross. Gross is going to pick up your beautiful baby, just to realize that during their naptime they have had an explosive blowout that has caused poo to not only run up along their backside, but also all over their crib, their hair and (if they're old enough) you may even detect a slighty pungent smell coming from their mouth (yes, this has happend!). Gross is offering your water bottle to your poor, dehydrated child and upon receiving said bottle back, you can clearly see a swirly of goo in what was once your pristine bottle of Evian. Gross is realizing that as you turned to teach for the towel you 3 year old has had diahrrea in the tub in which he (and his 18 month old sister) are now swimming in.

Despite all this nastiness, I also find it interesting at what no longer appears gross. Smelling your baby's backside for unpleasant smells, holding spat up food that was either too hot or too ishy to swallow or wiping a snotty nose with your hand (you used the last kleenex to clean up the barf they spewed on you just 3 minutes ago).

My children have certainly helped create a unique perspective for me. Things are no longer black or white, definitely a swirly gray with a distinctive odor. Along with this perspective, not only have things become less gross, they've also become more funny.

The next time you think of something gross, could be a mom and THAT can be really gross!


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