I suppose some of you will thing of things like going out whenver I want or staying out late and sleeping in late or buying fabulous clothes & getting manicures. Surprisingly, I don't miss any of these things. What I truly miss most is...quiet.
I didn't realize how much energy I gain from quiet time. With three kids, all of whom are early risers (we're talking 6:30 a.m....7:00 a.m. on a good day), my day begins with incessant requests for breakfast and ends with complaints of bedtime and incessant requests for a glass of water or a favorite stuffie or new batteries in flashlights. The middle part of the day sounds like this: Mom....Mom....Mom....Mom....Mom... For those of you who are first time mothers I know you can't wait until your little one says your name for the very first time, but I'm here to tell you, after hearing "mom" repeated by three children for a total of 3,482 times in a day, you will be campaigning to have them call you ANYTHING BUT MOM! Here are a few that would make my list: Ann Marie, AMA (maiden name initials), A.M. (current nickname), Beotch (said with a smile of course, like, "beotch, where's my breakfast?, OK, I'm mostly kidding about this one, but I think you get my point).
My husband has learned to deal with hearing me say "ssshhh" on a consistent basis throughout the day. This used to be one of his pet peeves. He felt is was disrespectful to be shushed, but he's finally leanred that I'm not being disrespectful, I'm just trying to preserve my sanity. (My volumne control is normally much lower than his.) In my world, we don't need to be yelling and screaming and shrieking at 120 decibels. I can hear you quite well at a much lower level, if I choose to listen!
I have learned that receiving just 15 minutes of peace in the morning is the greatest time on earth. The sky is still dark, the tv is not turned on, I can sit and read a magazine while I drink my coffee. This is my slice of heaven! I don't get these 15 minutes very often...once a week, once every other week, but when I get my 15 minutes the world is right for the rest of the day.
What's the thing you miss most BK? Can you take 15 minutes this week to accomplish that one thing? Remember, it's not being selfish, it's self-preservation!
Have a great day!
Friday, January 8, 2010
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